FaRM is based on the idea that farmers learn best from other farmers. By sharing information and ideas, we can all make our operations more resilient and profitable.

FaRM is a free learning hub offering online resources, access to experienced farmer mentors, and a network of farmers in your region and across Canada to help you adopt practices that reduce emissions and build resilience.

As farmers, we know how to make agriculture part of the solution to climate change.
That’s why Farmers for Climate Solutions created FaRM.

Reduce input costs, boost productivity, improve soil health
Farmers have climate solutions:

Ready to maximize your pasture’s productivity,
but need some practical advice?

Interested in growing cover crops, but not sure where to start?

Want to reduce your Nitrogen bill, but
worried about sacrificing yield?


You get free access to knowledgeable and experienced farmer mentors who can answer your questions.

Free online resources

You can fully customize FaRM to fit your learning style and schedule. Watch videos, complete workbooks and read the course material in your own time.

Farmer networks

Through our networks, you can connect with innovative farmers to discuss your challenges and successes.